Starlight’s new Community Cohort

Coming soon!

What is The Community Cohort?

The Starlight Community Cohort will build  an ecosystem of California-local and national leaders in end-of-life care. This two-year lab and community of practice (hosted in Los Angeles, California) will gather a remarkable group of interdisciplinary leaders for year-round collaboration across fields, party lines, and platforms. The group will engage in collaborative learning, problem-solving, and tracking progress on collectively-set objectives - all specifically focused on answering the questions: “How can we enhance the end of life experiences for America’s Black community?” “What needs to change to ensure Black Americans can die and grieve with dignity?” “How can we honor, accommodate, and resource the ways Black Americans experience end of life differently?”

Community Cohort Components

  • Extensive intake process

    The PAUSE and partnering institutions will work with each participant, Advisory Council member, facilitators, and community leaders to understand their work, their relationship to the field in focus, and their opinion of what is most critical to achieve progress.

  • Programming and projects

    Participants will experience, guide, and facilitate the following types of engagements: Curated group connections between lab Fellows, advisors, and partners; Community of practice and workshops; Intimate internal and external roundtable discussions; Case Clinics with active problem-solving

  • Map the field & set objectives

    The participants and the PAUSE team will work with data scientists, human-centered design consultants, and industry experts to summarize our map of the field’s current offerings and gaps, in an effort to identify key leverage points for progress. With advice from community leaders, the participants and PAUSE team will work to set the clear objectives for the lab for each quarter and year.

Community Cohort Objectives

By the end of this program, we anticipate participants will: 

  • Gather leaders with sustained, long-term commitment to community-based sharing, learning, and problem-solving

  • Resource and empower the Black community to advocate for an enhanced experience at end-of-life and through grief

  • Develop innovative, culturally-informed resources and solutions for the public, major end-of-life providers, and healthcare providers

  • Invest energy, finances, and resources into POC providers, end-of-life leaders, and businesses


Want to learn more or get involved?

Alica Forneret, Executive Director: